Our Farmers
700-acre organic farm in northern Florida, growers of specialty fruits, vegetables, and turmeric.
Meet Our Farmers
Talented, Friendly, Tenacious
Jeff - The Veggie Whisper
"As a third generation farmer, I grew up on a farm helping my family. So it was an obvious path for me to study at an agricultural college where I learned more innovative ways of working in harmony with nature to grow nutrient-rich produce. Now, I am applying that knowledge and practice it in every step of the growing process from hand weeding to composting in the hopes that people can enjoy the freshest, cleanest foods for great health."

David - The Tree Specialist
With a background and passion in acupuncture, I learned you are what you eat. Understanding the necessity of pure, high quality food to maintain health, I believe clean farms are where it all starts. This is why I enjoy taking care of the fruit trees, seeing the fresh buds that symbolize hope, and harvesting delicious, clean fruit in the fall.