Gut Health
Poor gut health is linked to disease states including inflammatory bowel disease, colon cancer, diabetes, obesity, and more. Support your gut health with a balanced diet, including black turmeric.
Gut Health
The anti-inflammatory properties in black turmeric support the immune and metabolic systems. Chronic inflammation have been linked to many illnesses including obesity, diabetes, poor heart health, and gout.
Skin Radiance
Black Turmeric is loaded with antioxidants! Its impressive array of bioactive compounds, such, anthocyanins and polyphenols, makes it the perfect tool to fight against skin aging.
Skin Radiance
Joint Health
The COX-2 inhibitory effects of black turmeric help reduce pain associated with joint inflammation, making movement more comfortable for individuals with arthritis or other joint conditions.
Joint Health
Supports Energy & Metabolism
Black turmeric has been found to have beneficial effects on metabolism, including its ability to improve glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity
Energy & Metabolism
Black turmeric's phenolic compounds and essential oils possess antioxidant properties that combat oxidative stress, thereby reducing inflammation.
Antibacterial & Antifungal
Use topically to soothe cuts, bruises, sprains, and blemishes
Pain Relief
COX-2 inhibitors (e.g.,Celebrel, Naproxen) are often in arthritis in pain control but not recommended for long term use due to negatively affecting the gut lining and causes bleeding. Black turmeric is a great alternative.
Pain Relief